It is undeniable that this time of the month is distressing–cramps, pain, bloating, and a few pain-induced symptoms fall into your lap at once. Every woman has her own menstrual experience. However, practicing yoga to alleviate period pain is a remedy recommended by experts worldwide.
Without physical activity or movement, your body stays at rest, leading to decreased blood flow, and muscle stiffness, becoming the reason for severe pain. As a result, it disturbs your mental health as well. Here comes Yoga, a natural solution to relieve menstrual pain and cramps!
Practicing Yoga During Your Period: Do’s and Don'ts
Practicing yoga during your period is a personal activity that helps you connect with your body deeply. Which is why it’s important to listen to your body and practice only in a way that seems natural for you. During your period, you may desire an intense hot yoga practice or simply want to sit in a Sukhasana (easy pose). Both of these choices are perfectly fine.
Your period days may also influence your yoga practice. By the third or fourth day of your period, when your cramps and pain have reduced, you may opt for an increase in movement or go for more stretchable yoga poses.
How Does Yoga Ease Menstrual Pain?
- Specific asanas in yoga, like, Balasana (Child’s Pose), Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose), and Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose) gently stretch and relax lower abdominal and pelvic muscles.
- These poses improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension.
- Deep breathing techniques during practice help calm your nervous system thus reducing stress-induced cramps.
- Besides, yoga’s mindfulness aspect shifts your focus from menstrual pain, promoting relaxation and a deeper connection with your body.
6 Simple Yoga Poses to Ease Your Menstrual Pain
The following 6 simple yet effective yoga poses are rejuvenating home practices that promote hormonal balance over time, and potentially reduce menstrual pain in future cycles.
1. Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle or Butterfly Pose
- Sit with your knees bending outward and the soles of your feet pressed together, forming a diamond shape with your legs.
- Adjust the intensity by keeping your feet further from your body for a lighter stretch or bring them closer for a deeper stretch in your inner thighs.
- To enhance the stretch, you can try leaning forward, reaching the top of your head toward your feet.
- This pose gently compresses your internal organs by opening your hips and stretching your lower back, which greatly helps in relieving menstrual cramps.

Butterfly Pose helps in stretching your lower back thus providing relief during periods.
2. Janu Sirsasana - Head to Knee Pose
- To do this pose, first, extend your right leg and place your left foot on your right inner thigh. Then, lean your torso (central part of the body) over the right leg and fold forward.
- Return to Baddha Konasana, then switch sides.
- The Head to Knee pose helps stretch your hamstring (a group of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh from the hip to the knee) while gently opening your hips and groin. It’s a simple way to focus on one leg at a time.
3. Apanasana - Knees to Chest Pose
- To do this pose, lie on your back and bring both knees towards your chest.
- Hold your shins with your hands or, wrap your arms around your legs, grabbing opposite elbows if flexible.
- Gently rock side to side or circular your knees to massage your lower back.
- This pose is also called a wind-relieving pose that eases bloating, cramps, and aids digestion during menstruation.
- This pose also stretches and stabilizes the pelvis. Hold this stance for as long as you can, taking steady, deep breaths.
4. Balasana - Child’s Pose:
- Assume a kneeling position on a yoga mat and gently sit on your calves.
- Choose a leg position: Hold your knees together or spread them apart to rest your tummy between or on top of your thighs.
- If your ankles or knees feel uncomfortable, place a rolled-up blanket under them for support.
- For a relaxed version, use a bolster, or pillow, resting your belly and chest on top.
- Rest one cheek on the bolster for five minutes, then switch sides.
- Breathe deeply, and enjoy the calming stretch of this pose. It gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, and ankles to relieve menstrual cramps.
5. Reclined Baddha Konasana - Goddess Pose
- This pose is a more relaxed version of Baddha Konasana. Keep your arms by your sides and your legs outstretched, and lie on your back.
- Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, letting the outer edges of your feet rest on the ground.
- Stretch your arms outward and keep taking deep, calming breaths.
- This pose opens your groin and hips while promoting deep relaxation, and helps relieve lower back pain and cramps.
- A 5-10 minutes in this pose is a perfect way to wind down your session in a calm, meditative state.
6. Paschimottanasana - Seated Forward Bend Pose
- To do this asana, first, bend forward while sitting with your legs straight out in front of you.
- Lengthen your spine before leaning forward, imagining your pelvis gently tipping forward.
- This pose deeply stretches your hamstrings, calves, and back, offering comfort during menstruation.
- Now, breathe deeply as you start feeling comfortable in the pose. You can round your spine slightly for more comfort but follow the instructor’s guidance for this if you’re practicing under one.
Empower Your Period With Yoga
Yoga has been a powerful practice that has compounding benefits for your health, whilst also helping in relieving cramps and bloating during periods. Include yoga in your daily life and use blankets or bolsters for a gentler experience.
Source :
Yoga Journal- 6 Yoga Poses to Relieve Period Cramps
Healthline- 4 poses for period cramps
TOI- 6 yoga asanas that can help to ease period cramps